Understanding your story, not just your case.
Preserving your future, not just your freedom.

The Law Offices of Jerod Gunsberg is a Los Angeles-based law firm with a dedicated practice focused exclusively on criminal defense. Criminal defense lawyer Jerod Gunsberg devotes his time and extensive experience to fighting for the rights of individuals who stand accused of crimes, are targets of criminal investigations or have witnessed events in a criminal case.
Our skilled team has combined decades of experience representing clients at perhaps the most terrifying and confusing time in their lives. We understand that clients need the best possible defense, inside and outside of the courtroom. We also know that defendants have a story - a complicated set of individual experiences that have led them to the predicament they now find themselves in. Rather than avoid or ignore the details of our clients' lives, we use these events to inform and help shape compelling and personalized defense strategies. In a system slavishly devoted to statistics and regulatory requirements, we force prosecutors, juries and judges to see our clients as real people, facing real obstacles and often, simply needing a little help to move forward.
My office ensures that every one of our clients receives representation tailored to their individual case. We listen to your side of the story, delve deep into the facts and evidence at hand and develop a strategy that is most likely to result in success.
Our extensive experience within the system, in-depth knowledge of criminal law, and sophisticated negotiating skills get you what you deserve: the best possible legal representation to ensure the most favorable potential outcome.
When we take on a criminal matter, we never make promises that we cannot keep. Instead, we promise that from the moment we start to represent you, you will have our undivided attention, your case will matter as much to us as it does to you and we will not rest until we have done everything possible to protect your rights and interests.
We are not intimidated by the police. We are not intimidated by the prison system. We are not intimidated by judges or jury pools. Our only concern - and our singular focus - is that our clients get the best defense and the best shot at avoiding conviction.
It is normal to be frightened. It is normal to be confused. But it is also normal to expect your attorney to do whatever possible to get you out of the bind you are in. Not every attorney can. We do. Welcome to our firm.
I will stand up for you.
Sam B.

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