Culver City and Inglewood Gentrification Means Police Crackdowns

Jerod Gunsberg, Los Angeles Criminal Defense Lawyer

It’s no secret that Los Angeles is rapidly gentrifying, some parts are fully changed other parts are in rapid transition. I want to focus for a minute on Culver City and Inglewood and what that means for law enforcement and people accused of crimes.

Culver City has sprouted up as the hub for tech and entertainment. Sony Pictures Entertainment has long had their studio lot and HQ there, but there are some new players on the scene: Amazon and Apple. Both are bringing significant pieces of their content operations to Culver City, thousands of new employees between the two corporations. The city has rolled out the red carpet for them. This means what elected officials call “public safety” is a top priority. Expect tougher law enforcement from the Culver City Police Department and prosecutors paying special attention to cases. Noticeably this means a crackdown on smaller misdemeanor offenses – possession of narcotics, DUI, public intoxication – expect increased enforcement and patrols.

In nearby Inglewood there is a brand new football stadium under construction for the LA Rams. All of the expected support businesses are popping up around it. Property values are on the rise in Inglewood and the city is viewed as a prime place for new investment. Like Culver City, this also means increased enforcement.

Look, I realize that this is ridiculous. Big corporations show up and all of a sudden the police start cracking down on everything? Why now? Why not before? I’ll let you figure that out.

For more serious felony offenses, both Inglewood and Culver City police are aggressive with recommending the most serious charges for a given set of facts. Keep in mind that the police do not determine what a person will be charged with. Police arrest on a suspicion of committing a certain offense, generate a report and then submit to the Los Angeles County District Attorney. The DA at Airport Courthouse (for Culver City) or Inglewood Courthouse makes the ultimate filing decision, not the police.

This is why it is critical to contact a qualified criminal defense attorney immediately after your or a loved one is arrested to determine whether the DA should be contacted before a case is filed with the goal of filing reduced charges (or perhaps no charges at all).

So the bottom line is this: If you or a loved one is accused of a crime, call the Law Offices of Jerod Gunsberg at (323) 633-3423 or get in touch via the secure contact form on this page for a confidential consultation.

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