Los Angeles City Attorney Cracks Down on Party Houses
Jerod Gunsberg, Los Angeles Criminal Defense Lawyer
The Office of the Los Angeles City attorney has been cracking down on “party houses.” Under Los Angeles Municipal Code 115.02 the city can file a misdemeanor complaint in criminal court against a homeowner who is renting out his or her property as a party house.
read moreShould I Consent to a DNA Swab in a Sex Crime Investigation?
Jerod Gunsberg, Los Angeles Criminal Defense Lawyer
In the vast majority of sexual assault cases, the allegations turn on the issue of consent. The issue is usually not whether or not the sexual contact occurred or whether the person targeted in a sexual assault investigation was present…
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New Diversion Program for Minors Accused of Prostitution in Los Angeles County
Jerod Gunsberg, Los Angeles Criminal Defense Lawyer
“First Step” is a new program for minors accused of prostitution in Los Angeles. Read what Criminal Attorney Jerod Gunsberg has to say.
read morePCP Arrests In Los Angeles and Culver City
Jerod Gunsberg, Los Angeles Criminal Defense Lawyer
The Los Angeles Times is reporting that two individuals have been arrested in Los Angeles County in what law enforcement officials are describing as a huge PCP operation. PCP is the acronym for the drug 1-(1-phencyclohexyl) piperdine. It’s chemical name…
read moreArrests in Mexico-Los Angeles-Denver Cocaine Ring
Jerod Gunsberg, Los Angeles Criminal Defense Lawyer
It does make for a nice headline: “Feds Make Largest Mass Drug Arrest in Colo. History.” On February 9, 2012 federal and state authorities announced that they had arrested more than 80 people in connection with a long investigation of…
read moreCocaine Related Arrests at LAX
Jerod Gunsberg, Los Angeles Criminal Defense Lawyer
Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) was on February 2 the scene of high-profile drug smuggling arrests. Two Spanish nationals, mother and daughter, were stopped allegedly carrying up to ten pounds of cocaine. According to the local NBC affiliate, the pair…
read moreNew Law For Early Termination of Probation in California?
Jerod Gunsberg, Los Angeles Criminal Defense Lawyer
Under California Penal Code 1203.3, a judge has the discretion to order the early termination of probation “in the interests of justice.” The court can do this, even over the objection of the prosecutor. However, prosecutors in Los Angeles County are…
read moreLos Angeles DUI Tip – Don’t Mess With the Drive Thru
Jerod Gunsberg, Los Angeles Criminal Defense Lawyer
The easiest way to avoid a DUI in Los Angeles is to not drink and drive, but one sure way to get caught driving drunk is going through a fast food drive-thru while intoxicated. If the person taking you order,…
read moreWhat Happens At A Juvenile Detention Hearing?
Jerod Gunsberg, Los Angeles Criminal Defense Lawyer
Your child’s first court date in a Los Angeles County Juvenile Court is a Detention Hearing and Arraignment. This article explains what happens at this hearing for both the child and the parent.
read moreWhen Will My Child Be Released from Juvenile Hall?
Jerod Gunsberg, Los Angeles Criminal Defense Lawyer
If your child is in a Los Angeles Juvenile Hall (Sylmar, Los Padrinos, Central/Eastlake), this article explains Includes information about the Community Detention Program.
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